St Michael's school

St Michael's school

Wednesday 26 June 2019

Here are Y6 doing their mini enterprise.

The pupils in Y6 decide what to make or buy to sell. They set up stalls. The stall that makes the most money is the winner. They sell ice creams, toys, jewellery, sweets etc. You can also try and guess the name of the teddy.
Los alumnos deciden que quieren vender. Organizan puestos y venden juguetes, helados,  golosinas, pasteles y bisuteria etc. Los que ganan el mas dinero ganan el concurso! Podeis tambien intentar adivinar el nombre del osito de peluche!

Soon Y6 will be going to their new secondary schools. Pronto sexto iran a sus nuevos colegios secundarios

Y6 terminaran para las vacaciones de verano el 19 de Julio y tendran 6 semanas de vacaciones antes de comenzar a su colegio secundario en septiembre. Los alumnos de St Michael pueden elegir su colegio secundario y van a 11 colegios diferentes de por aqui.

Y6 will finish for the summer holidays on 19th July and will have six weeks holiday before they start at their new secondary school in September. St Michael's pupils can choose the secondary school they want to go to and there are 11 they can go to round here!

                                  Image result for high school building drawing

When do you finish for summer? We think you finish this Friday and you have 11 weeks of summer holidays. You are very lucky.

Cuando terminais para el verano? Creemos que terminais este viernes y tendreis 11 semanas de vacaciones. Teneis mucha suerte!

                                      Image result for Spanish colegio building drawing

We are going to get some high temperatures in Bolton. Vamos a tener unas temperaturas altas en Bolton

Normalmente vostros alli en Espana teneis buen tiempo con mucho sol. Aqui en Bolton no tenemos tanta suerte. Pero este fin de semana dicen que hay una ola de calor que va a llegar por todas partes de Europa incluyendo nosotros en Inglaterra. No podemos esperar porque hemos tenido muchos dias de lluvia este mes de junio. Parece que no es verano aqui! Pero para unos dias vamos a tener sol y temperaturas agradables.

Normally you have lovely weather in Spain with a lot of sunshine. Here in Bolton we are usually not so lucky. But this weekend they say that a heat wave is going to affect a lot of Europe including England. We cannot wait for the good weather because we have had a lot of rain in the month of June and it is supposed to be summer. But it seems that summer is here. For some days we are going to have sun and pleasant temperatures!!!

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Image result for rain clip art